Arthroscopic Surgery

Enjoy shorter hospital stay, less blood loss, faster recovery, and potentially less scarring

ConforMIS Knee Replacement

Knee arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that diagnoses and treats knee joint issues. The procedure involves making a small incision on your knee where a tiny camera called an arthroscope can be inserted. This allows our surgeons to determine the cause of your knee problems and use small tools to correct it.

Unlike conventional total knee replacements, which requires a large incision of about eight to 12 inches, ConforMIS knee replacement requires only a three to four-inch incision. The surgery consists of replacing your thigh bone’s knee area with a metal implant and your shin bone’s knee area with a plastic implant. This gives you freedom to freely bend and flex without pain.

Because fewer muscles and tendons are disturbed with minimally invasive techniques, their reconstruction is often more natural, wound closure is easier, and recovery may be faster.1 Clinical studies have shown that the midvastus surgical approach used in the MIS technique results in less pain (at both eight days and six weeks after surgery) and faster restoration of muscle control and strength.2 But in the standard approach, it may take several months to recover from the large incision and muscle disruption.1

I’m sorry I didn’t do something about it sooner, because there’s a world of difference.
Christine Ricciardi, 57
The sooner you get it done the better you’ll feel and the more your life will change.
Carl Savino, 52


  1. White, R., Allman, J., Trauger, J., Dales, B., “Clinical Comparison of the Midvastus and Medial Parapatellar Surgical Approaches,” Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research, 1999, 367: 117-122.
  2. Tria, A.J., “Minimal Incision Total Knee Arthroplasty,” Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research, 2003, 416: 185-190.
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