For Orthopaedic and Arthroscopic Surgery

Did you know inside of your own fat tissue, are the highest concentration of reparative cells compared to other tissues. Using the FDA cleared Lipogems® system, your physician harvests your own fat tissue and then washes the fat using saline to get rid of the contaminants (blood, oil, dead cells). Then the new tissue is injected to help facilitate a healing environment to repair, replace, or reconstruct damaged or injured tissue.
Why Use Your Own Powerful Fat For Your Orthopaedic Conditions?
Scientifically, fat is called adipose tissue. Fat is a versatile tissue that plays essential roles in the way our body functions, but one of the most remarkable is the role that fat may play in how we heal. Many studies over several decades have been conducted exploring the healing potential of fat.
Fat contains network of blood vessels, connective tissue, and important reparative cells. The tissue works together as a functional unit.

Lipogems is used to support the healing process. Lipogems is used to repair, replace, reconstruct or support damaged or injured tissue.
This is an ideal option for patients that are looking another option to invasive surgery. This minimally invasive procedure may be performed in the office/clinic.
Adjunct to Orthopaedic or Arthroscopic Surgery. If surgery is needed, your doctor many decide to use Lipogems to support a healing environment.

What Makes Lipogems Technology Cutting Edge?
Simple and Quick Procedure: The minimally invasive procedure can be performed in less than an hour in the physician’s office or in a surgical setting.
Best Quality Tissue: Your own fat is high quality tissue and there is minimal risk of rejection and infection.
Pure: The Lipogems device washes away contaminants (blood, oil, and dead cells) using only saline.
Gentle Processing: The special cells and signals within fat that provide its physical and biologic benefits are trapped inside the fat matrix. The unique Lipogems process resizes the tissue in order to optimize tissue survivability in the treatment site while maintaining the natural structural properties of your fat. The Lipogems device gently resizes the fat tissue to create the ideal material and performance properties to inject the Lipogems precisely into a damaged area to cushion and support the area as it heals.
Easier Injections: Because the Lipogems process micro-fragments your fat, the size of Lipogems tissue is ideal to facilitate healing in the treatment site.
FDA Cleared for Orthopaedics and Arthroscopic Surgery: Lipogems technology is FDA cleared for use in orthopaedic and arthroscopic surgery.
Offered by Leading Orthopaedic Physicians and Supported by Strong Scientific Evidence
Disclaimer: Individual results vary. Not all patients will have the same post-procedure recovery and activity level. See your physician to discuss your potential benefits and risks.
The Lipogems System is a sterile medical device intended for the closed-loop processing of your own fat tissue in medical procedures involving the harvesting, concentrating and transferring of your own fat (adipose) tissue harvested with a legally marketed lipoplasty system. This can be a minimally invasive procedure that’s done in the office, to support soft tissue defects and may promote healing in orthopaedics and arthroscopic surgery. Lipogems may or may not appropriate for all patients.
Like any medical procedure, there is a risk for soreness, redness, swelling, and/or pain. These procedures require needle access (size, location and depth vary depending on the procedure) and this may result in (but not limited to), discomfort, pain, apprehension, bruising, tenderness, bleeding, swelling, or infiltration at the injection site. Other symptoms that may occur include lightheadedness, fainting, nausea, or vomiting. There is slight risk of infection at the injection site and have minimal risk of adverse reactions or complications as with any other injection procedure. Since the fat is from your own body there is little concern of disease transmission, allergic reaction or tissue rejection. For patients with chronic medical conditions such as autoimmune, diabetes, heart or lung disease, circulatory diseases or obesity, extreme caution may be necessary.
There are rare but possible risks and complications due to fat transfer including an allergic reaction to the local anesthetic, damage to underlying structures, hematoma or seroma (an accumulation of blood or fluid under the skin that may require removal), changes in sensation, unsatisfactory results that may necessitate additional procedures, permanent discoloration caused by a ruptured blood vessel at the treatment site, calcification, a divet in the area of the tissue harvest, peri-operative bleeding, a blood clot at the treatment or donor site, an infection, scar tissue, and a fat embolism caused by a fat injection mistakenly directed into a blood vessel, and death.
The information presented is for educational purposes only. Speak to your doctor to decide if Lipogems procedure is appropriate for you. Individual results vary and not all patients will return to the same activity level. The lifetime of any procedure is limited and depends on several factors like patient weight and activity level. Your doctor will counsel you about strategies for your post-procedural care. It is important to closely follow your physician’s instructions regarding post-procedure activity, treatment and follow-up care. Ask your doctor if Lipogems procedure is right for you.
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