Carpal Tunnel – Signs, Symptoms, Treatment
You know when you get a stuffed-up nose, how you can breathe but just barely? The same principle can be used for the tunnel in the human wrist, the Carpal tunnel.
When you make a doctor’s appointment, will you see the doctor?
Today you’ll most likely encounter a wide range of healthcare degrees: D.O., P.A., N.P or R.N to name a few. Which one is best for you?
5 Symptoms of Osteoarthritis You May Be Ignoring
Osteoarthritis (OA) is degenerative joint pain caused by wear and tear on your joints. Here is a look at some of the common symptoms of osteoarthritis.
Treating chronic muscle and tendon pain with the TenJet procedure
The TenJet® system is a minimally invasive procedure to target the source of chronic tendon pain.
How to avoid or delay the need for orthopaedics surgery with Lipogems
Most individuals, once given the choice, would favor a minimally invasive approach with limited down time.
How Subchondroplasty can heal damage to bones under torn cartilage
Subchondroplasty is an effective outpatient, minimally invasive procedure that can treat painful bone injuries.